Monday 16 December 2019

What are the early treatments for bladder cancer?

Bladder cancer mostly affects older adults. It is detectable at an early stage. It can recur, so the follow-up tests are usually recommended.

 Bladder cancer

Patient with bladder cancer experience the following symptoms or signs:
  • The most common symptom is blood clots in the urine.
  • Urge to urinate many times throughout the day
  • Urge to urinate, but unable to pass urine
  • Burning sensation while urination
  • Lower back pain on 1 side of the body
  • Frequent urination
Most often, bladder cancer is diagnosed after a person tells get blood in the urine, also known as hematuria. "Gross hematuria" means that the stage has increased hence; the blood is visible in the urine. 

General urine tests are not enough to diagnose bladder cancer because hematuria is a sign of various other conditions that is unrelated to cancer like kidney stone or infection. 

Treatment of bladder cancer relies on various factors that include the type of cancer, stage of cancer, and the grade of cancer that needs to be taken into account while treatment, with the patient's overall health and preference of treatment.
Treatments include surgery, biological therapy, and chemotherapy and below are the treatment that can be considered:
  • Chemotherapy in the bladder– This therapy performed to treat tumors however, it increases the risk of progression to a higher stage
  • Surgery– This is to remove cancerous tissue
  • Immunotherapy– This therapy triggers the immune system to fight actively with cancer cells
  • Radiation therapy– It is to destroy cancerous cells, considered to be the primary treatment when surgery isn't an option.
  • Reconstruction– This is a reconstruction of a way to pass urine after bladder removal
You can control bladder cancer with medical treatment. Organizations like SIIUT healthcare providers are transplant experts, provides the resources and support to help you cure this disease once in for all. 

However, if any of your symptoms reappear, get in touch with your doctor immediately.

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Thursday 14 November 2019

Obtain a safe prospect

Tumors formed in the bladder can be termed as bladder cancer. Usually, bladder cancer begins in the transitional epithelial cells that make up the inner lining of the bladder. As the tumor grows it will invade the surrounding connective tissue and muscle. In severe cases, tumors would spread to the lymph nodes or pelvic organs. 
Bladder cancer

Immunotherapy is the use of medications that will help the immune system to recognize and destroy the cancer cells. Sometimes doctors would recommend immunotherapy to treat bladder cancer that is identified at the early stages. The traditional treatments for bladder cancer would include surgery and chemotherapy.

Tumors can be surgically removed and followed by a dose of chemotherapy termed as intravesical chemotherapy. Additional intravesical chemotherapy would be recommended for patients with a lower risk of disease progression whereas, patients with moderate to high-grade disease will be advised to undergo intravesical immunotherapy with a weakened, live bacterium, bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG).

Immunotherapy has brought out a decrease in the risk of recurrence for bladder cancer. In normal cases, the immune system detects and destroys abnormal cells and prevents the growth of many cancer cells. Usually, immune cells are found in and around tumors and these cells are called tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes or TILs. This is a sign that the immune system is responding to the tumor. Patients who have TILs in their tumor can do better as compared to patients who do not contain TILs.

Varied forms of immunotherapy can be given in different ways. These include intravenous that goes directly into the vein, capsules(orally), creams(topical), and directly to the bladder (intravesical). With the help of the accurate immunotherapy options, bladder cancer can be treated and prevented for a better future.

Mainly there are two types of bladder cancer such as muscle-invasive bladder cancer and non-invasive-muscle bladder cancer. Muscle-invasive bladder cancer spreads to the muscle wall of the bladder and it is aggressive hence, it becomes more difficult to treat. This is a more advanced stage of cancer and will require surgery to remove the entire bladder. Sometimes, doctors would suggest a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy to treat muscle-invasive bladder cancer.

Non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer will be found in the tissue that lines the inner surface of the bladder. It is not affected by the bladder muscles. BCG is considered as an immunotherapy treatment that is used to treat non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Other treatments would include cystoscopic resection the tumor, intravesical immunotherapy, and intravesical chemotherapy.

Each person is different and everyone would respond to the treatments differently hence, always take the suggestion from the specialist.
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Monday 21 October 2019

Alert - blood in the urine

Hematuria is the presence of blood in the urine. Specific issues with kidneys or any part of the urinary tract can lead to the presence of blood in the urine.

 Blood in the urine can be observed in two ways :
  • Gross hematuria - blood that can be seen with naked eyes
  • Microscopic hematuria - blood that is visible only when examined under the microscope 
Causes of hematuria 

 If there are issues with the kidneys or urinary tract, then it causes blood in the urine. There are various other reasons as well, such as:
  • Urinary tract infections - urinary infections are caused when the bacteria enter the urethra and multiply in the bladder. This could cause severe pain, burning sensation while urinating, urge to urinate often, and foul smell from urine.
  • Kidney stone - minerals in the urine might form crystals on the walls of the kidney or bladder. Sometimes these crystals will become severe and hard stones. If the stones are small, it is painless but sometimes would lead to severe pain and causes either gross or microscopic bleeding.
  • Kidney infections - when bacteria enter from bloodstream or ureters to kidneys, pyelonephritis, or kidney infections begin. Symptoms are similar to bladder infections plus might get fever and flank pain.
  • Cancer - gross hematuria could be a sign of prostate, bladder, or kidney cancer. It will be a challenge to find early signs.
  • Enlarged prostate gland - prostate gland is just below the bladder and above the urethra. It might get enlarged for men when they are in their middle age. It blocks the urine flow by compressing the urethra. It will be difficult to urinate and can cause either gross or microscopic hematuria.
  • Injuries - any injury caused on the kidney due to accidents or sports activity can also cause urine in blood.
  • Heavy exercises - it is a rare scenario when the body is dehydrated, under trauma, or the breakdown of red blood cells can cause urine in the blood, which is visible.
  • Medications - certain medicines will have side effects that would lead to other issues, especially medications used to treat cancer.
Medical care

Sometimes medications can treat urinary tract infections and prescribed antibiotics for the enlarged prostate gland. Shock wave therapy will be used to treat kidney or bladder stones, but in some instances, no treatment is needed.

Treatment will be recommended based on the cause of bleeding. The reason could be anything, but if blood clots block the urine flow, then doctors would insert a tube to the bladder and will try to clear out the blood clots.

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Tuesday 1 October 2019

What You Need To Know About Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections are the most common type of infections that affect the lower urinary system (Urethra and Bladder). Upper urinary tract infections are less frequent and more severe that involves kidney and ureters. Women are more predominantly prone to urinary infection in comparison with men, at least 1 in 3 women will have an episode of UTI during their lifetime.


The primary cause of the urinary tract infection is the bacteria name Escherichia Coli that is present in the digestive system. The bacteria escape from the anus to the urethra when we use the washroom due to their proximity to the location. If left untreated they have a chance of traveling even to the kidney. There are three types of urinary infections based on the place they affect- Bladder infection, Urethra infection and Kidney infection.

The factors which can alleviate an individual's conditions of contracting infection might include Age, pregnancy, weak immune system, diabetes, poor personal hygiene, menopause, and sexual intercourse.



Urinary tract infections don't always cause signs and symptoms, but when they do, they may include
  • A Burning feeling during urination
  • A frequent or intense urge to urinate
  • Urine that appears cloudy with a strong, pungent smell
  • Pain or pressure in your back or lower abdomen
  • Fever or chill (a sign the infection may have reached your Kidneys)
  • Blood in the urine 


Based on the symptoms, the doctor would recommend a urine test to detect the presence of bacteria or white blood cells in the urine. He may also suggest a urine culture test to detect the presence of bacteria or fungi that help to identify the cause of infection and to choose the right treatment.



There are two types of treatments available based on whether the infection is simple or complicated.

Simple UTI:
These are the infections that can be treated with a short course of antibiotics as they are uncomplicated and mild.

Complicated UTI:
These require a more extended dose of antibiotics. Sometimes the antibiotic therapy may be started intravenously in the hospital. Kidney infections are an example of complicated urinary infection.



To prevent the reoccurrence of urinary tract infections, individuals should drink more fluids, especially water. They should not hold urine for an extended period, urinate after sex, and keep their genitals clean.

For early diagnosis and effective treatment for urological problems contact South India Institute for Urology and Transplant (SIIUT). One of the leading and trusted urology hospital in Chennai.

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Tuesday 24 September 2019

Recovery After Live Kidney Transplant Surgery

A live kidney transplant is a surgical procedure performed to place a healthy kidney from a living donor into the person whose kidneys no longer function properly. It is a life-saving procedure that offers an individual a lifestyle free from dialysis and helps return to their normal healthy life. Even though the transplant procedure provides an individual with a healthy functional kidney, there are high chances of organ rejection to occur in the recipient body.

kidney transplantation chennai

Organ rejection occurs when the recipient's immune system tries to treat the life saving transplanted organ as bacteria or virus and attacks it. In short, it is the body's misguided attempt to protect an individual. To combat the unusual response, immunosuppression medications will be prescribed and administered. These are the medications that decrease the body's natural immune response to a "foreign" substance and allow the body to live in harmony with the donor organ.

The main aim of the immune suppression drugs is to weaken the body's immune system and reduce its fighting power. Due to the suppressed immune system, the individuals will be at high risk of developing infections and can be easily prone to certain types of diseases. To prevent this from happening kidney transplant patients should follow certain precautions and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

The below mentioned are a few recommendations which a kidney recipient should adhere to
  • ISOLATION – During the initial days of hospitalization, the patient should be isolated from the rest of the crowd. It is recommended to wear a mask and limit his contact with sick people.
  • PERSONAL HYGIENE – The individuals should always try to keep themselves neat and clean by staying away from dirt. Hand washing and hand sanitization before food consumption is an excellent way to combat germs. They should also maintain good dental hygiene by brushing daily.  
  • NUTRITIONAL DIET – The individuals should work with their dietician or doctor on their diet requirements.they should take a diet that is rich in calcium and protein. They should avoid foods with high salt, sugar, and cholesterol content. They should consume food that is prepared and stored in a safe manner. 
  • SAFE DRINKING WATER - Unsafe water from public areas may contain bacteria and impurities that may be harmful due to the weak immune system. Always try to drink boiled and filtered water.  
  • DON'T IGNORE CUTS AND SCRATCHES - Clean them and put on a bandage. Get in touch with your doctor if you have any signs of infection. 
  • STOP SMOKING – Smoking decreases the efficiency of new kidneys and can lead to diseases like cancer and heart attack.

To decrease the chance of kidney rejection and infection, it is recommended not to miss the medication and to follow a healthy lifestyle.

To get the best treatment for your kidney problems, contact SOUTH INDIA INSTITUTE FOR UROLOGY AND TRANSPLANT (SIIUT). The hospital which has highly skilled and experienced surgeons who are a pioneer in treating all the nephrological ailments.
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Thursday 29 August 2019

Are You At A Risk Of Getting Penile Cancer?

Penile cancer is one of the most common genitourinary cancer encountered in developing countries compared to the western population. It is the disease that is characterized by the development of malignant cells in the tissue of the penis. Cancer may eventually spread to other areas of the body, including the glands, other organs, and lymph nodes.

Patients with carcinoma of penis tend to delay seeking medical attention due to embarrassment, guilt, and personal neglect and try to treat themselves with various skin creams and lotions which result in delayed diagnosis of the disease. The early diagnosis and treatment of the disease are very crucial as it provides a good chance for successful treatment and cure.

penile cancer treatment in chennai


The factors which put men at higher risk of developing penile cancer are

HPV is a group related viruses that are responsible for more than one-third of penile cancer cases. The most common way of contracting HPV is trough sexual activity with infected person. Circumcision may help prevent infection with HPV. Circumcision is a procedure in which the part or all of the foreskin is removed from the penis.

Phimosis is a condition in which the foreskin becomes tight and difficult to retract in men who are not circumcised. Penile cancer is more common in men with phimosis due to the inflammation that results from the condition.

Smegma is secretion that gets build-up  underneath the foreskin. This is caused by dead skin cells, bacteria, and oily secretions from the skin that may contain small amounts of the cancer-causing substance.

4. AGE
The risk of penile cancer increases with age and is more common in men above the age group of 60 years.

Men who smoke and use tobacco are at higher risk of contracting the disease. Tobacco users who have HPV infection have an even higher risk. 


The below-mentioned symptoms can be noticed in men suffering from penile cancer

1.     Changes in skin color of the penis
2.     Thickening of the skin on the penis
3.     Blood coming from the tip of the penis
4.     Discharge with a foul odor
5.     Growth of small crusty bumps beneath the foreskin
6.     Irregular swelling at the end of the penis

penile cancer treatment in chennai
For timely diagnosis and effective treatment of penile cancer visit  South India Institute for Urology and Transplant (SIIUT). One of the leading and trusted urology hospital in Chennai.

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Saturday 3 August 2019

Is Live Kidney Transplantation Risky?

If kidneys lose their ability to function, the condition is known as kidney failure. Generally, kidney failure is treated either by peritoneal dialysis or in serious cases, one needs to go through a kidney transplant. Kidney donation is the most common type of living organ donation. Till date, among all other transplantation, kidney transplantation is the most successful medical procedure.

kidney transplantation chennai

Living donor kidney transplants are actually the best option for patients who have kidney failure. Here are some of the reasons:
  • First of all the surgery can be planned according to convince of both the donor and the recipient.
  • For live kidney transplantation, the recipient won’t have to wait in the transplant waiting list.
  • Chances of risks and rejections are pretty less.
  • Recipients are going to have long term benefit.
  • Both the donor and the recipient can get back to normal life within a short period of time.

What are the possible risks?

As you can see, live kidney transplantation has a lot of benefits. Yet there are some possible risks. The most possible risk of transplant is that the body might reject the donor's kidney. But the actual fact is, about 90% of the recipients who have received the kidney from a living donor have lived for years. So live kidney transplant is quite on the positive side.

Well, if you feel some sort of unusual soreness at the site of the incision or if your urine amount has changed post-transplantation, then you have to consult your doctor. It means your body is rejecting the new kidney and you will have to resume the dialysis and go back for another procedure.

But as told earlier, 90% of people who have gone through live kidney transplantation have got good results. So the risk percentage is quite less.

For kidney transplantation, you need to get treated from an authorized and renowned hospital. The South India Institute for Urology and Transplant (SIIUT) @SIMS Hospital is by far the best Urology Hospital in Chennai. Our doctors and medical experts know what's best for you. In fact, the hospital offers the best kidney transplantation procedure in Chennai.

For a consultation, call at tel:9080833868.

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Friday 5 July 2019

Is Erectile Dysfunction A Serious Issue?

Erectile dysfunction, in general, is not a serious issue. But erectile dysfunction which is also known as impotence can lead to several health issues. Erectile dysfunction is not a sign of excellent or good health. If your penis is not getting erected, that means there is some sort of deficiency in the body. Researches say that cardiovascular diseases are most likely to occur in men who have erectile dysfunction. Similarly, there are other hidden diseases growing inside you that can lead to erectile dysfunction.

erectile dysfunction treatment in chennai

How other diseases are related to erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction can cause several serious diseases so it should not be taken lightly. Generally, erectile dysfunction is caused by a poor or unhealthy lifestyle. In a few men, hormonal imbalances or heredity can also be a reason for erectile dysfunction.

The vascular system, nervous system or endocrine system can contribute to erectile dysfunction. Men with erectile dysfunction may have the possibility of these following diseases:
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Chronic kidney condition
  • Cardiovascular disease like heart and blood vessel issues.
  • Bladder cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Obesity

Erectile dysfunction and mental health

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is not only related to physical health but also mental health. ED can lead to emotional and psychological disorders. Men with ED often lack confidence in themselves which further leads to issues like stress, depression, anxiety and fear. If ED continues for a long period of time, men go through guilt about their sexual performances and other sexual activities. Stress is something that increases the risk of erectile dysfunction paving the way for other diseases.

erectile dysfunction treatment in chennai

Hence erectile dysfunction in an issue that should be treated at the earliest!

Whenever you have any urological or sexual problem you need to consult a professional or visit a healthcare provider. Hiding your problems won’t help you to get rid of it, rather take proper medical assistance. For any kind of urological problems feel free to visit the Annai Arul Hospital. Here you can consult and get treated by the best urologists in Chennai.

For further information call at tel:9080833868. 

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Wednesday 27 February 2019

What Can Be Done About an Enlarged Prostate?

The first sign of an enlarged prostate for most men is the nightly bathroom runs. It is known by several names - benign prostate hyperplasia, enlarged prostate, or simply BPH.

Deciding on Treatment for an Enlarged Prostate

For an enlarged prostate, a range of treatments is available – surgery, minimally-invasive office procedures, and medications.

The treatment is based on your age, size of your prostate gland, and your overall health.


Minimally Invasive Treatments for an Enlarged Prostate

Several procedures can relieve symptoms when medications are not working. To shrink a portion of the prostate various types of heat energy are used.

TUMT (transurethral microwave thermotherapy): For mild to moderate blockage this therapy is effective.

TUNA (transurethral radiofrequency needle ablation): To relieve symptoms and improve urine flow this procedure destroys prostate tissue.

Prostatic stents: To widen the urethra and keep it open a tiny metal coil called a stent is inserted in some cases.

Surgery for an Enlarged Prostate

Surgery can relieve symptoms for most men with very enlarged prostates. Your doctor will recommend which is best for you after a careful evaluation of your general medical condition, and situation.

TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate): For an enlarged prostate this is the most common surgery, and symptoms are reduced considerably.

TUIP (transurethral incision of the prostate): Instead of removing prostate tissue this procedure involves making cuts in the prostate. After the procedure patients can go home the same day.

Laser Surgery: To destroy prostate tissue this procedure uses high energy vaporizing laser. It may require an overnight stay at the hospital as it is done under general anesthesia.

Open Prostate Surgery (Prostatectomy): Open surgery is done when it is difficult to do a transurethral procedure. When there is bladder damage, open prostatectomy is recommended.


Treatment for enlarged prostate in Chennai

Different treatment options are available for an enlarged prostate at the South Indian Institute for Urology and Transplant (SIIUT). They have the best urologist in Chennai onboard. They will advise the best option for you.

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