Wednesday 29 August 2018

One of the best ways to correct Prostate cancer

When the abnormal cells start to develop in the prostate, the prostate cancer occurs. Sometimes, these abnormal cells multiply and uncontrollably spread outside the prostate into the close by or distant parts of the body.

This is actually a slow growing ailment and most of the men have found with low-grade prostate cancer, live for many years without any severe symptoms and further spread. Nevertheless, it spreads quickly in the higher grade and can be fatal. This small gland is located below the bladder near the rectum. Only men have the prostate gland.

What are the symptoms of prostate cancer?

Little to nil symptoms would be there initially. But, in the later stage, the following symptoms might be experienced by the person.
  • Urinating difficulties
  • Tracing blood in the semen or urine
  • Pain in the hip, lower back, upper thighs
  • Urge to urinate
If you find any above symptoms constantly, consult your doctor immediately.

The Prostate cancer is diagnosed by a digital rectal examination and Prostate specific antigen blood test (PSA). The blood test shows the level of this specific protein. If these tests are not felt sufficient, finally the patient has to go for a biopsy.

The surgical treatment for prostate cancer:

Robotic prostatectomy surgical treatment is the advanced and standard surgical option performed for the prostate cancer patient. This surgery is performed with an experienced laparoscopic team and advanced surgical technology. Several keyhole incisions are made in the abdominal region of the patient to pass robotic instruments. During the procedure, an endoscope and image processing equipment is used to provide a magnified view of the structures surrounding the prostate gland. Through one of the keyholes the prostate gland is removed.

In Robotic prostatectomy, the surgeon is sitting at a computer console, operates tiny wristed instruments. The entire surgery is done without the doctor’s hand.

Prostate cancer treatment in Chennai

Are you suffering from prostate cancer? SIIUT Chennai avails the best treatment for prostate cancer treatment with experienced urologists in Chennai.
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